Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Latest Rides

Hello hello!

My big ride's in 3 weeks! Please click here and support me and the Arthritis Foundation!

Check this out: I can post my rides through the Garmin website and share the routes with you all! Sometimes the full images in the Motion Based windows below don't load properly, but if you click on the link "View Activity" it comes up a lot better. Once you're there you can click "Map Player" and there's a little dot that represents me and my progress! The controls for playback are on the top left side. I hope to be able to record each day's worth of data on the big ride to post here, but avoiding a technical difficulty during that week will be unlikely.

Here's my standard training loop (the extended version). For the shorter route I cut in about halfway at Stone Valley Road. If I do one lap of the standard and another of the extended it's 20 miles.Here's my ride on Mt. Diablo that I did at the end of July.

Here's the Mt. Diablo ride I did at the end of July. Looks like some of the data on the decent got a little jumbled. The data shows that apparently I took a zipline down the mountain, but I assure you no zipline was available. I may have turned it off and forgot to turn it back on. I've been known to do that.

Here's the Marin Century (Traditional Route) that I did the next weekend.

Here's the Castro Valley loop that we did last weekend. It went right by my appartment.